It is with joyful anticipation that St. Bernard’s has started its own Prayer Shawl Ministry. It will be the St. Clare Chapter. Shawls will be crocheted, knitted, or sewn for people to feel the warmth of God’s love. It might be for someone grieving, someone going through medical treatments, the elderly, the homebound, or the homeless. Our parishioner Evelyn has been creating baby blankets for our Baptisms.
Throughout the shawls creation, blessings and prayers are crafted into them. If you want to learn, we can teach you!
There are several jobs that do not require creating a shawl and you are welcome to join and help with those.
Yarn or monetary donations to purchase yarn will be greatly appreciated. (It takes 24-30oz of 4 ply yarn to create a shawl.)
We will meet the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the foyer of the church. You can make shawls at home or join the group the second Tuesday of the month.
For further information, contact the parish office at [email protected] or 708-301-3020 and speak with Mary.